Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 1: Venetian cichetti light dinner + night walk

Restaurant visited: 

Trattoria Alla Vedova, Cannaregio, 3932 (Strada Nova) Venezia, VE


The 14-hour flight from San Francisco to Venice (transfer in Paris) was hard since I didn't sleep the previous night, hoping to start early adjusting to the time difference... Bad strategy... LoL. Don't do it. Get fully rested and prep for the flight. Unless seating in business or first class, which I didn't, it will be exhausting. Good thing is, Air France's economy seats actually have pretty good size leg room. Food was okay. Average airplane food.

Going from the airport to the hotel

I arrived at Marco Polo airport. Thanks to the awesome TripAdvisor City Guide, whoever worked on this thing must be genius ;-), I learned that the fastest way to get to Venice is also the cheapest: express bus. Just 6 Euro gets me to piazza Roma. 

Once I got to piazza Roma, it is about 1/4 miles from my hotel. Then I realized that with my two luggages, it's impossible to go through 3-4 Venetian bridges because they all have steps! Thankfully, right there in the plaza, there were people specialized in helping you with just that! 

I paid him 10 Euro for the help. 

Total cost from the airport to my hotel: 16 Euro. Super easy! Bus ride was 20 minutes. The walk was about 10 minutes.

Lodging the Venetian style!

The room I got is really small, but pretty decked out in Venetian style. LoL.

I was planning on going to San Marco square to take some sunset photos, but I didn't have enough time. Plus I was already really tired from the flight, so I took it easy. Took a shower, rest a bit and then went out for some light eats and a casual walk.

Venetian Cichetti - Trattoria Alla Vedova

The restaurant that I went to was mentioned in Anthony Boudain's show for its cichetti. I ordered the meatball, artichoke hearts, some fish salad and a small glass of Pinot Grigio. Total cost: 8 Euro. Pretty good for a light dinner in Venice. All local people. I felt a bit out of place but the food was enjoyable. I wish that they let me sit down but they told me it's only for after 9pm. (I was there at 7:30)

Night walk

After dinner, I walked around the streets in night and I gotta say, the GPS navigation simply doesn't work at all in Venice! In a way, taking it easy and just wonder in and out of the narrow streets through countless bridges big and small is probably the best way to experience Venice. 

There is a very romantic undertone to wondering in Venice. Seeing all the crumbling exterior walls and water level right at the base of the entrance to many buildings, I can only imagine what glory it must have displayed back when it was the most important trade city in Europe hundreds of years ago.

Concluding the day

After walking around for about two hours,  I decided to head back to the hotel and retire early. I want to get fully rested for a full day in Venice tomorrow! 

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